This is measured, sanctioned racewalking event. Because of this there are specific rules that apply to those participating in the walking division. If you are found in violation of these rules, time penalties maybe added to your finish time. Race Judges will be present at various locations on the course to record violations.
45 seconds. Second violation: 1 minute. Third violation: 2 minutes. These penalties will be incurred if walkers shuffle, jog or run. Multiple and flagrant violations may result in disqualification of the individual walker and their team.
Please view the linked video of racewalking technique, demonstrated at a very basic level. Ideally, walkers practice their technique prior to the race.
In words, to grasp the technique first stand in place with your feet together and your arms held by your sides with the elbows bent 90 degrees. As described in the video, swing your arms, then step out with your leg straight and meet the ground heel first. Pull your lead leg back under you, keeping it straight. When the leg is 45 degrees behind you, bend your knee, go up on to your toes, then straighten your knee and move it forward heel first, just as before. Alternate the legs in this fashion with a hip swinging motion, as demonstrated in the video, and you will have it down! Please remember you have to have one foot ALWAYS on the ground to be within the rules. Concentrate on taking short quick steps rather than long slow strides. If you do that, you'll have an easier time keeping your knees straight, and you'll expend much less energy. The arms are a crucial part of the gait. They rhythmically pump throughout the motion, helping to pull you forward.
Proceeds from this event benefits the programs and events of the Vermont Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, including: Vermont Senior Games; Community Wellness Grants; Worksite Wellness Awards & Conference; Parks Rx; Fit and Healthy Kids and the annual Vermont Corporate Cup Challenge and State Agency Race.
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