In-Person Runners

To find your name use the search function. To be officially registered, you must have paid and signed the waiver.
First Name Last Name Sex Paid Employer Status Team Name Race Type
Mark Seltzer Male Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt State of Art Running
Justin Kolber Male Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt State of Art Running
Hannah Yindra Female Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt State of Art Running
Allie Nerenberg Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Fit and Fab Running
Jeremy Therrien Male Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Fit and Fab Running
Kelley Klein Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Fit and Fab Running
Chantal Deojay Female Yes Vermont Agency of Agriculture State & Federal Govt Dairy Delights Running
Deb DurkeeBarnett Female Yes Vermont Agency of Agriculture State & Federal Govt Dairy Delights Running
Robert Abbott Male Yes Vermont State Housing Authority Nonprofit & Local Showing Off Running
Jamie Aponas Female Yes JAD Corporation & Businesses J-J-J-Joggin' Running
Jordan Litner Male Yes JAD Corporation & Businesses J-J-J-Joggin' Running
Joe Giallanella Male Yes JAD Corporation & Businesses J-J-J-Joggin' Running
Iris Gilbert Female Yes Vermont State Housing Authority Nonprofit & Local World's Slowest Run Running
Elizabeth Williams Female Yes SOV State & Federal Govt LTC Running
Michelle Thompson Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt EnviRUNmental Health Running
Emily Jarecki Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt EnviRUNmental Health Running
Lauren Prinzing Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt EnviRUNmental Health Running
Raven Campbell Female Yes State of Vermont Department of Human Resources State & Federal Govt Pretty in Pink Running
Katie Burt Female Yes State of Vermont Department of Human Resources State & Federal Govt Pretty in Pink Running
Becky Palic Female Yes State of Vermont Department of Human Resources State & Federal Govt Pretty in Pink Running
Danielle Owczarski Female Yes Vermont Fish & Wildlife State & Federal Govt Run, Forest, Run Running
Robert Zaino Male Yes Vermont Fish & Wildlife State & Federal Govt Run, Forest, Run Running
Olin Reed Male Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Milfoil Marauders Running
Lizzy Gallagher Female Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Milfoil Marauders Running
Isabel Anderson Female Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Milfoil Marauders Running
Jim Deshler Male Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Mayflies Running
Drew Shatzer Male Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Mayflies Running
Leigh Martin Female Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Mayflies Running
Misha Cetner Male Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Mudpuppies Running
David Addeo Male Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Mudpuppies Running
Meaghan Hickey Female Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Mudpuppies Running
Krystal Tara Sewell Female Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Swamp Sentinels Running
Laura Lapierre Female Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Hydrophytes Running
Michelle Kovarie Female Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Hydrophytes Running
Graham Bradley Male Yes State of Vermont Employee State & Federal Govt Hydrophytes Running
Ashley Burghardt Female Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMS Running
Mike Hughes Male Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMS Running
Danni LaFlamme Female Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMS Running
Charles Alexander Male Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMSPT Running
Shawn Babich Male Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMSPT Running
Jeff Mercia Male Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMSPT Running
Lily Devereux Female Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMS! Running
Meg Seaton Female Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMS! Running
Jeremy Norman Male Yes Injury & Health Management Solutions (IHMS) Corporation & Businesses IHMS! Running
Kay Hopper Female Yes Vermont Agency of Transportation State & Federal Govt Amblers Running
Ashley Thompson Female Yes Washington County Mental Health Services Nonprofit & Local Ashley Thompson Running
Dawn Brueckner Female Yes State of Vermont DCF Economic Services State & Federal Govt ESD Eagles Running
Julie Mazzariello Female Yes State of Vermont DCF Economic Services State & Federal Govt ESD Eagles Running
Liz Amler Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Climb-It Office Running
Sophi Veltrop Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Climb-It Office Running
Brian Woods Male Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Climb-It Office Running
Kristine Foley Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Kristine Running
Joy Worland Female Yes Vermont Department of Libraries State & Federal Govt Team Golden Running
Brian Lapierre Male Yes Vermont Department of Liquor and Lottery State & Federal Govt A Run of Luck Running
Alex Stephanson Male Yes The Nature Conservancy Nonprofit & Local Postglacial Deposits Running
Eliza Merrylees Female Yes The Nature Conservancy Nonprofit & Local Postglacial Deposits Running
Suma Lashof Female Yes The Nature Conservancy Nonprofit & Local Postglacial Deposits Running
Joe Merrill Male Yes The Nature Conservancy Nonprofit & Local Chickering Boggers Running
Eve Frankel Female Yes The Nature Conservancy Nonprofit & Local Chickering Boggers Running
Amy Kelsey Female Yes The Nature Conservancy Nonprofit & Local Chickering Boggers Running
Lydia Parker Female Yes The Nature Conservancy Nonprofit & Local Nature Cruisers Running
Tricia Bhatia Female Yes The Nature Conservancy Nonprofit & Local Nature Cruisers Running
John Poleway Male Yes Vermont Capitol Police Department State & Federal Govt State House Run Club Running
Rachel Wood Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Clean Water Striders Running
Mary Perchlik Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Clean Water Striders Running
Sarah Coleman Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Clean Water Striders Running
Haleigh Molinario Female Yes VEDA State & Federal Govt Worst Pace Scenario Running
Lisa Rollins Female Yes VEDA State & Federal Govt Worst Pace Scenario Running
Michael Harris Male Yes VEDA State & Federal Govt Worst Pace Scenario Running
Michele Hartje Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Schoolhouse OPS Running
Katie Laperle Female Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local ORAH Running
Becca Isaac Female Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local ORAH Running
Alyssa Pritchard Female Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local ORAH Running
Joshua Blakemore Male Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local Running
Angi Coppola Female Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local Running
Jameson FitzPatrick Male Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local Running
Elizabeth Russell Female Yes VEDA State & Federal Govt WRP Speed Running
Shelby Parette Female Yes VEDA State & Federal Govt WRP Speed Running
Andy Wood Male Yes VEDA State & Federal Govt WRP Speed Running
Monda Kelley Female Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local Faster than FAFSA! Running
Jessi Krause-Herron Female Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local Faster than FAFSA! Running
Jesse Cote Male Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local Faster than FAFSA! Running
Sara Vargo Female Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local Outreach 1 Running
Kristin Boehm Female Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local Outreach 1 Running
Katie Gesser Female Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local Outreach 1 Running
Roderick Williams Male Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt G-Cool Running
Rob Marcotte Male Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local IT Inchworms Running
Lorenzo LaBrusciano Male Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local Let's Get Fiscal Running
Erika Smith Female Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local Let's Get Fiscal Running
Abbie Jefferies Female Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local Mortgage Meerkats Running
Beth Dailey Female Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local Mortgage Meerkats Running
Raechel McLeod Female Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local Mortgage Meerkats Running
Chelsea Ceardai Female Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local Scrabbled Legs Running
Rachel Fuller Female Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local Scrabbled Legs Running
Jodie Selby Female Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local HR Runaways Running
Nate Haag Male Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local HR Runaways Running
Kathy Town Female Yes EastRise Federal Credit Union Nonprofit & Local Loan In Process Running
Megan Kirby Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Fast and Forty Running
Ketih McMahon Male Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Fast and Forty Running
Christine Dobrich Female Yes State of Vermont - Department of Labor State & Federal Govt Cirque de Sore Legs Running
Jeanne Baslow Female Yes State of Vermont - Department of Labor State & Federal Govt Cirque de Sore Legs Running
Lisa Culbertson Female Yes State of Vermont - Department of Labor State & Federal Govt Cirque de Sore Legs Running
Mark Moureau Male Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt State Turtles Running
Ryan Carpenter Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 1 Running
Cheryl Moyer Female Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 1 Running
Ava Whitcomb Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 1 Running
Dee Dasein Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 2 Running
Rachel B. Pearson Female Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 2 Running
Andy Wilson Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 2 Running
Tanya Crawford-Stempel Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Perry Street Pacers Running
Hilary Denton Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Perry Street Pacers Running
Courtney Pletzer Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Perry Street Pacers Running
Volicia Smith Female Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 3 Running
Tim Lovely Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 3 Running
Steve Yudell Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 3 Running
Stephen Cohen Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 4 Running
Jared Fay Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 4 Running
Amy Dupuis Male Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 4 Running
Heather Bushey Female Yes SRH Law Corporation & Businesses SRH1 Running
Geoff Hand Male Yes SRH Law Corporation & Businesses SRH1 Running
Zachary Berger Male Yes SRH Law Corporation & Businesses SRH1 Running
Emily Wetherell Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Swift Justice Running
Alex Arroyo Male Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Swift Justice Running
Petra Halsema Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt Swift Justice Running
Greg Severance Male Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local VSAC TEAM 1 Running
Hemant Ghising Male Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local VSAC TEAM 1 Running
Harka Khadka Male Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local VSAC TEAM 1 Running
Anna Telensky Female Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local TEAM KAA! Running
Kiersten White Female Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local TEAM KAA! Running
Anna Prescott Female Yes VSAC Nonprofit & Local TEAM KAA! Running
Allison Dandurand Female Yes Downstreet Housing & Community Development Nonprofit & Local Team 5 Running
Michelle Hall Female Yes Johnson Lambert LLP Corporation & Businesses The Going Concerns Running
Elyssa Nagle Female Yes Johnson Lambert LLP Corporation & Businesses The Going Concerns Running
Mary Buonanno Female Yes Johnson Lambert LLP Corporation & Businesses The Going Concerns Running
Taylor Kacur Female Yes Johnson Lambert LLP Corporation & Businesses JL Team 1 Running
Rhiannon Bullard Female Yes Johnson Lambert LLP Corporation & Businesses JL Team 1 Running
James Manning Male Yes Johnson Lambert LLP Corporation & Businesses JL Team 1 Running
Megan Grove Female Yes SRH Law Corporation & Businesses SRH 2 Running
Olivia Voth Female Yes SRH Law Corporation & Businesses SRH 2 Running
Malachi Brennan Male Yes SRH Law Corporation & Businesses SRH 2 Running
Chris Wasser Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses NRGized Running
Molly Hakopian Female Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses NRGized Running
Sarah Hays Female Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses NRGized Running
Chris Henry Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Charged Up Running
Barry King Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Charged Up Running
Morgan Waters Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Charged Up Running
Thomas Brown Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Loggin' Miles Running
Sara Freed Female Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Loggin' Miles Running
Margot Criscitiello Female Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Loggin' Miles Running
Eric Jordan Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Data Joggers Running
Lincoln Pierce Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Data Joggers Running
James Alexander Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses NRGetic Running
Chris Chase Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses NRGetic Running
Patrick Bergeron Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses NRGetic Running
Jon Hart Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Winded Warriors Running
Stuart Morigeau Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Winded Warriors Running
Jeffrey Burnor Male Yes NRG Systems Corporation & Businesses Winded Warriors Running
Makayla Locke Female Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local ORAH2 Running
Abbi Smith Female Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local ORAH2 Running
Izzy Maranda Female Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local ORAH2 Running
Kaiden Adkins Female Yes Onion River Animal Hospital Nonprofit & Local ORAH3 Running
Rhea Costantino Female Yes Let's Grow Kids Nonprofit & Local LGK Runners Running
Maria Richards Female Yes Let's Grow Kids Nonprofit & Local LGK Runners Running
Grace Sherwood Female Yes Let's Grow Kids Nonprofit & Local LGK Runners Running
Katie Salina Female Yes Let's Grow Kids Nonprofit & Local LGK Runners2 Running
Sarah Kenney Female Yes Let's Grow Kids Nonprofit & Local LGK Runners2 Running
Abe Berman Male Yes The University of Vermont Medical Center Nonprofit & Local Typo Running
Rowan Hawthorne Female Yes State of Vermont - Department of Labor State & Federal Govt Labor League Running
Robert Depper Male Yes State of Vermont - Department of Labor State & Federal Govt Labor League Running
Bill Ahlers Male Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt The Ad-Gitators Running
Stacia Cheney Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt The Ad-Gitators Running
OLGA PALISLAMOVIC Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt OCS Pacers Running
Jim Shea Male Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt OCS Pacers Running
Paul Hines Male Yes EnergyHub, Inc. Corporation & Businesses EnergyHub 1 Running
Brodie O'Brien Male Yes EnergyHub, Inc. Corporation & Businesses EnergyHub 1 Running
Mike Felix Male Yes EnergyHub, Inc. Corporation & Businesses EnergyHub 1 Running
Kaitlin Hayes Female Yes State of Vermont - Land Use Review Board State & Federal Govt Act 250 Rules! Running
Adriene Katz Female Yes State of Vermont - Land Use Review Board State & Federal Govt Act 250 Rules! Running
Molly Brock Female Yes CCSU Walden School Nonprofit & Local Walden Runners Running
William Sladyk Male Yes Laraway Youth & Family Services Nonprofit & Local Laraway Running
Sharon Muellers Female Yes State of Vermont State & Federal Govt srm Running
Noah Gilbert-Fuller Male Yes Vermont Agency of Agriculture State & Federal Govt Barn Cats Running
Luke Hughes Male Yes Vermont Agency of Agriculture State & Federal Govt Barn Cats Running
Colleen Horan Female Yes CVMC Corporation & Businesses The Hot Flashes Running
Dick Ferno Male Yes Angus Enterprises LLC Corporation & Businesses Runfast Running
Douglas Farnham Male Yes Vermont Agency of Administration State & Federal Govt Faster Than a Memo Running
Pam Sweet Female Yes NVRH Nonprofit & Local Birth Center Running